Ausgabe zur TUBE+WIRE 2018

SHAPING THE FUTURE Shaping the Future Founded in 1921, the quality and reliability of EBK’s longitudinally submer- ged arc welded steel pipes has enabled the company to become a truly glo- bal supplier of specialised pipe solutions. With a combined yearly capacity of 100,000 tonnes, EBK’s range of carbon and alloy pipes meet and surpass the most stringent national and international quality standards. Additionally, EBK’s commitment to research and development has resulted in the availability of revolutionary new products. Leading edge welding tech- niques and production know how, combined with the most modern produc- tion equipment in the world enable EBK pipes to meet the highest quality requirements. FOR MORE INFORMATION MEET US AT TUBE 2018 from 16. –20. April in Düsseldorf, Germany Hall 4, Booth G36 EBK impanded pipe ® For closer tolerances, reduced pipe stresses and higher collapse restistance EBK power ® Ultra heat resistant pipes suitable for high temperature power generation applications EBK clad ® Ultra corrosion resistant pipes suitable for aggressive fluids and gases EBK cryo ® Ultra low temperature pipes suitable for cryogenic applications (LNG)